Dr. Frank Johnson


Dr. Frank Johnson is an experienced internal medicine expert practicing in Johnson City TN United States. He has worked on many COPD and respiratory clinical trials from some of top 5 pharma companies in the world. He has a site well managed by experienced and trained professionals and is able to undertake clinical trials in internal medicine segment.

Profile Details

Here are some brief details of profile. For more details, log on to Credevo.

Therapeutic Area: Internal Medicine

Country: United States

Professional Experience: 30 Years

Clinical Research Experience: 17 Years

Qualification: MD

Site: MultiSpecialty Clinical Research, Johnson City TN United States

Proven expertise and capabilities

Dr. Johnson has worked on more than 50 clinical trials. These clinical trials included mostly phase II-III clinical studies from some of top 5 pharma companies. Here are highlights of his long and interesting clinical trial experience.

  1. Worked on more than 50 clinical trials, most of which were in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, besides other indications.
  2. Site is a dedicated clinical research center focussing on quality clinical trials.
  3. His clinical trials are managed by experienced and trained professionals at site.

Dr. Johnson’s site is an established center, equipped with all necessary infrastructure and managed by experienced professionals, under personal supervision of Dr. Johnson.

Potential investigator for clinical trials in

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
Internal medicine trials


Dr. Frank Johnson would be happy to consider your new clinical trials and discuss ways to work on them.

Provide a brief introduction to your clinical trial requirement and contact details to get in touch with Dr. Johnson.

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