For entry into the Taiwan market, all medical devices require pre-market approval. The medical device market is growing in Taiwan, but getting into the nation requires strict adherence to regulations set forth by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). Manufacturers must register their products with the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) to sell […]

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Taiwan is emerging as a big player in the Asian clinical trial market. Taiwan has many advantages for conducting clinical trials. Refer to Part 1 of this blog for more details. In this part, let’s talk a bit about the clinical trial regulatory scenario in Taiwan, including the approvals required and how to be prepared for it. Top […]

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Taiwan has one of the most progressive healthcare systems in the world and is a major hub for clinical research in the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, it is well-positioned to meet the growing demands of the global clinical trial market. World-class, high-quality infrastructure, low cost, easy patient recruitment process due to dense populations are a few of the […]

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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a form of chronic pain that usually affects an arm or a leg. CRPS typically develops after an injury, surgery, a stroke, or a heart attack. However, the cause of CRPS is not completely understood. People with CRPS have changing combinations of […]

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